Fly Neighbourly Agreement
Port Macquarie Airport, in consultation with local operators, aviation authorities and the community, has implemented a Fly Neighbourly Agreement (FNA) on a 12-month trial basis commencing 1 June 2022.
Airport_Fly-Neighbourly-Agreement-FNA_A4_0.6.pdf(PDF, 573KB)
A significant outcome from the Agreement is the reduction in the agreed circuit training times, which are;
Monday to Friday
- 0700hrs - 2200hrs AEDT
- 0700hrs - 2100hrs AEST
Sunday and Public Holidays
- No continuous circuit training
Please note however, that under the agreement recreational aircraft may commence continuous circuit training from 0600hrs weekdays and that operators may catch up on lost time caused by weather, airspace, technical or other disruptions, on Sundays between 0800hrs and 1600hrs.
The Agreement encourages communication between the community and aircraft operators. To facilitate this communication Council will maintaining an ongoing register of aircraft noise complaints, seek and replay advice from aircraft operators to community members to respond to particular incidents or issues, as well as sharing de-identified noise complaint data with operators on a quarterly basis.
To provide feedback or enquire about aircraft noise issue or incidents, or to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the Agreement, please complete the form. For further information please refer to Aircraft Noise and Pilot training.